11 mar 2012

This Time... Cindy Crawford

Once again we are facing an outright test, this time about... Cindy Crawford. I'll forgive her listening for her watching is worthwile.

-        Transcript:

   INTERVIEWER - I’m going to rebate my paycheck for this week, because I really shouldn’t be paid for doing this, I have with me a former corn detasseler, Cindy Crawford.

-  CINDY CRAWFORD - My claim to fame. 

-  I - I know, can you believe that every bio I see starts with, no it don’t say supermodel, no it doesn’t say most beautiful woman in the world, it says former corn detasseler, no kidding.

-  C - I know.

-  I - I guess it shows you’ve come a long way.

-  C - It’s like my Cinderella story.

-  I - It’s your Cinderella, from corn detasseler to here. And we’re going to talk about all kinds of things with you, about Cindy.com, and you’re going into wonderful charity, that you always do, which is fantastic, and you may not know. But first we’re gonna go to the movies, I’m not gonna ask who your favorite movie star is, cause  that would be wrong, it’ll get in trouble, and I know you don’t want to go there, but did you ever had a movie when you were a little girl that really meant something to you? That you would like to, that you’d go back and see it again and again.  

-  C - You know the movie that just popped ahead was, but it was a television movie I think, it was called "Something for Joey", and it actually was about a little boy who had leukemia, and his brother, it was based on a real life story, and the brother was a Heisman Trophy winner, and the little boy kept asking his brother to get touchdowns for him, and I remember that meant a lot for our family, because my brother died of leukemia.

-  I - It’s kind of "Brian Song", and all those kind of movies.

-  C - Yeah! I love those movies that make you cry.

-  I - So you suffer with all those things.

-  C - I do.

-  I - Okay, alright we’re going to the movies right now, we’ll be right back with Cindy Crawford, you can’t go away, I promise that.
-    (Alright, let’s come back, 1 camera shoot and all that stuff, okay?)
-    (Okay).

-  I - Alright, we’re back with Cindy Crawford, and Cindy, what is the one thing that people bug you about when they sit down and do these one-on-one face, what do you really get tired of talking about, let’s get that out of the way.

-  C - You know, it’s being interesting lately I think, it’s the whole kind of, the downfall of the supermodel, and you know, Kate Moss and is there drugs in the fashion business, and I’m sure there is, but I’ve just never been around, so it’s not something that I have anything to say about.

-  I - Okay, what do you have to eat today?

-  C - What do I have to eat today? 

-  I - You know women wonder that, they want to know, you know, what you have to… you eat a lot of food? I mean, you really, or not really…

-  C - Alright, let’s say, you know I do like to eat,  but I exercise, that’s my…

-  I - That’s the secret. 

-  C - Yeah.     

-  I - As to burn those calories.

-  C - Yeah.

-  I - But you don’t eat a lot of, probably, fatty food, and junk-like, like fast food.

-  C - Well, you know what I really think, I don’t believe in dieting, and I think, I eat whatever I want I just don’t  eat as much as I want, you know you don’t have the whole dessert, you have two tastes of it or whatever. And that really seems, everything in moderation seems to work for me.

-  I - Let’s talk about the charity work, we’re quick, because there is something, people know that people who are very successful they do some charity work, but you’ve really always kind of done a little something,  haven’t you, probably your whole career?

-  C - Well as I was saying before my brother died of leukemia when I was 10 years old and my mother and I started a dance marathon, in our town to get people to raise money and I guess I just saw how to be active in charity even when I was 10 and 11 years old, so that kind of got me thinking that way, and then as I started having success as a model and making money  I was able to not only give money but also lend my name or you know come to events to help praise awareness to certain causes.

-  I - That is important, a lot of people you know, maybe charities don’t get enough attention I got something today from Habitat for Humanity. They wanted me to give some money. That’s a great cause. 

-  C - There’s so many!

-  I - But there’s always so much money you got to give around.

-  C - And there’s always so much time. I think for me, what’s been really important is I give my time and money to causes that I have a direct relation with, leukemia in childhood, cancer disease, and also AIDS it’s been a big thing, because the fashion industry was hit really hard by, and then Revlon has really got me involved with breast and ovarian cancer, because that’s their way of giving back with their clients, and also my grandmother is a breast cancer survivor.

-  I - I was in New York yesterday, I saw you on a bus, I saw you looked weary in a duty free shop. I was reminded that…

-  C - Me personally?

-  I - Well you know, no, your picture. Do you have a **** of seeing Cindy Crawford?
-  C - If I like the pictures no, and if I don’t like the pictures yes. It’s you know, like there’s pictures I can’t wait till the month is over and they offer a new stand. But then other pictures I really like so I’m happy when they’re out.

-  I - That sounds strange reading on your website while some fun, the hair is usually what, I guess there are closer important too, but usually the big decisions used to, seem to be with the hair, what are we gonna do with Cindy’s hair of that? 

-  C - Yeah, and I also think that for me usually is the lighting, I’m very picky about lighting, because I like trying different things, I don’t always want to look the same, people usually have a way that they like seeing me, it’s more like what we think…

-  I - You’ve run out of faces?

-  C - I’m sure I’ve used the same one more than once.

-  I - You’ve stolen from yourself.

-  C - Yeah, exactly.

-  I - Do you look at other models’ work?

-  C - Oh definitely, but I also think that it’s such an internal and individual thing, that you know what works for Linda Evangelista or Naomi Campbell wouldn’t be right for me, and I always try to find that rapport, that relationship with the photographer to, you know, create whatever the images we’re going for that day.

-  I - I love the Internet, and there used to be a lot of really weird Cindy Crawford sites on there, and you finally did something about that.

-  C - Yeah, well, I thought, because I had heard from other people who are computer illiterate unlike myself who I’m not. And I heard that there was a lot of illegal sites out there, ya’know a lot of them are just fans’ and they’re nice, and there was a few that they weren’t that way, and they were a little bit strange, and I wanted to have a presence on the Internet that reflected me, so I worked with a company called Entertainment Drive to develop a website, and they’re still in the working progress as you can see, but it’s at least, one official place to go in case you wanna get…

-  I - Is it for you, does someone make money out of this, I mean, is it a business or is it just a service?

-  C - For me, I don’t look at it as a money-making venture, I think eventually the company that helped me develop it, they’re hoping it will, I guess it depends on how much traffic you get, and then also…

-  I - And it’s bust up!

-  C - Yeah,  eventually, maybe my exercise videos or if I do special poster or calendars or something like that, that we could sell. 

-  I - Yeah I know, Cindy cap or something.

-  C - Well I’m not really in the hats and t-shirts, I think they are kind of overdone but it potentially could be but really I did more, I guess I wanted to be reflected in a certain way on the Internet, and I felt like only if did the side I was involved with, it could’ve been really reflecting me.

-  I - Whenever I’ve been chanced to see you on television or talk to you myself, one thing I noticed…

-  C - Besides that I’m on time?

-  I - Besides that you’re on time. Is that you’re very positive, who do you credit, your mum your dad, who gave you that thing about being positive and being professional, 'cause you really are.

-  C - Well I think those are two different things, the professional thing I think definitely came from my father, he has the Midwestern work ethic, and you know, he was always trying to supply ourselves. But we called my mother Pauliana or Pauli because she’s always the type that finds a silver lining in every cloud and I think that’s really served me well in my life.

-  I - Cindy Crawford, thank you for being with us tonight. 

-  C - Thank you, great seeing you again.

-  I - Nice seeing you again. Bye-bye.

-  C - Bye.

1 passerby:

Lady Amalthea dijo...

Great, I think I definetly did it better than I expected... XD they should allow us doing the exam with a laptop and a pair of earphones.. much easier to pass!!! Thanks for the searching ;)