Do you know whose eyes are these?
"Is this a lasting treasure
Or just a moment's pleasure?
Can I believe the magic of your sighs?
Will you still love me tomorrow?"
Yesterday, her first posthumous album was released, "Hidden Treasures" was the title chosen, a very good one as like many others before, some facts of her life eclipsed her true self behind, and so she remains an unknown celebrity, a hidden treasure, that is what she is.
It is now that you will surely think you want to really know her, and so as to do so you can read a lot of articles, books, and comments about her, and go on the internet which is swarming of video-documentaries pretending they can explain how her personality was, or on the contrary, you can simply listen to her own words in her own voice, beyond their meaning, observe her smiling, look her in the eyes and get through them, to her soul, trying to understand her honestly, without any sort of prejudice. I'd rather go with the latter. I guarantee you, it is absolutely worth it.
So I ask you once again, do you still think you know whose eyes were those?
"She walks away,
The sun goes down,
She takes the day but I'm grown,
And in this grey, in this blue shade
My tears dry on their own"
1 passerby:
Deep post... as Amy's eyes.
It's for sure she had to pass through a lot of bad moments in her life. It's a shame someone so young and gifted ended like that.
She gave us the best of herself at least...
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