28 abr 2012

Al Mal Temps, Bona Cara...

2 passerby
La vella Montserrat
desperta el barri a cops d'escombra tot cantant
les primeres persianes
s'obren feixugues badallant.

Rere el vidre entelat
el cafeter assegura que no era penal
i es desfà la conversa
igual que el sucre del tallat.

Bon dia,
ningú ho ha demanat però fa bon dia,
damunt els caps un sol ben insulent
il·lumina descarat
tot l'espectacle de la gent.

Al bell mig de la plaça
la peixatera pren paciència amb la Consol
que remuga i regala
grans bafarades d'alcohol.

I al pedrís reposant
l'avi Josep no es deixa perdre cap detall
i amb l'esguard es pregunta
quans dies més té de regal.

Bon dia...

Nens gisclant, olor de pixum de gat,
veïnes que un cop has passat et critiquen.
Gent llençant la brossa d'amagat
i un retardat que amb ulls burletes et mira
i diu:

Bon dia ...

24 abr 2012

Feliç Sant Jordi!

0 passerby

A la fira de les roses
a firar-me antany aní,
el roser de què em firí
en fa enguany de tan hermoses
que n'he fet parada aquí.
Hi ha la rosa alexandrina,
la vera i la d'esbarzer,
també les de Palestina,
que floreixen sense espina
de Jericó en lo roser.

Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902)

Journée Mondiale du Livre et du Droit d'Auteur

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"Je vais donc reprendre ma pauvre vie si plate et tranquille, où les phrases sont des aventures et où je ne recueille d'autres fleurs que des métaphores. J'écrirai comme par le passé, pour le seul plaisir d'écrire, pour moi seul, sans aucune arrière-pensée d'argent ou de tapage. Apollon, sans doute, m'en tiendra compte, et j'arriverai peut-être un jour à produire une belle chose ! car tout cède, n'est-ce pas, à la continuité d'un sentiment énergique. Chaque rêve finit par trouver sa forme ; il y a des ondes pour toutes les soifs, de l'amour pour tous les coeurs. Et puis rien ne fait mieux passer la vie que la préoccupation incessante d'une idée, qu'un idéal, comme disent les grisettes... Folie pour folie, prenons les plus nobles. Puisque nous ne pouvons décrocher le soleil, il faut boucher toutes nos fenêtres et allumer des lustres dans notre chambre. "

Gustave Flaubert.

Happy Birthday Shakespeare

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The Kabuki Dance now underway between Soon-To-Be Justice Alito and Senate Democrats makes me think of Shakespeare’s Henry V. 

The Democrats (and pro-abortion Republicans like Arlen Specter) will be desperately trying to get Alito to forswear any overthrow of sacred SCOTUS “precedents” such as Roe v. Wade, while Alito will genuflect before the precedent shrine and mellifluously commit to nothing.

Both sides will assiduously avoid any discussion of how these precedents were established in the first place – by overthrowing previous ones – what justified their establishment, and what would justify replacing them with new ones today. 

Instead, there will be monotonous droning on about the legal concept of stare decisis (Latin for “to stand by that which is decided”), and how it makes Roe v. Wade set in unquestionable stone.

But Alito knows his Shakespeare, and while mouthing his smoothly empty responses in the hearings conducted by his intellectual inferiors, he will be thinking of the famous love scene at the end of Henry V.

Henry has secured his overwhelming victory over the French at Agincourt (1), the French King and Queen, Charles VI and Isabel, have come to pay him obeisance, and brought with them their beautiful daughter, Katherine of Valois, to offer her hand to Henry in marriage.

Alone with Katherine and overcome by her beauty, he professes his love and tries to kiss her. She recoils. Surprised, Henry asks:

“It is not a fashion for the maids of France to kiss before they are married?” 
She answers that, yes, it is a fashion of long standing.

“O, Kate,” Henry replies, “nice customs curtsey to great kings. Dear Kate, we cannot be confined within the weak list of a country’s fashion. We are the makers of manners, Kate, and the liberty that follows our places stops the mouths of fault-finders.”

She succumbs to his logic, they kiss, and a new fashion for French maidens is born.

Lower court judges, such as those on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, upon which Sam Alito has sat for 15 years, are indeed bound by precedents established by the Supreme Court. But the Supreme Court itself is not. Just as a majority of Justices were Constitutionally free to establish the Roe v. Wade (1973) precedent, so a majority is fully free to get rid of it.

With Alito, the Court will have four firmly pro-life Justices (Alito, Thomas, Scalia, and Roberts). There are four firmly pro-abortion Justices (Stevens, Ginsburg, Souter, Breyer). The remaining Justice, Anthony Kennedy, is less maniacally pro-abortion than the latter four. He was instrumental in the ghastly pro-abortion Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), but dissented in Stenberg v. Carhart (2000), which overturned laws against partial-birth abortion.

The pro-life intellectual firepower of the Pro-Life Four could broach Kennedy’s weak pro-abortion defenses and persuade him to come over from the Dark Side.

That’s a maybe. What’s a certainty is that one of the members of the Dark Side is 85 years old – John Paul Stevens. He’ll be 88 in 2008. Can he last that long? The odds are against it. That’s why the real “Armageddon” nomination battle won’t be over Alito, it will be over Stevens’ replacement.

For now, the Senate Democrats will huff and puff, the left-wing crazies like Ralph Neas, Kate Michelman, and those at MoveOn.org will spend millions demonizing Alito to no avail, Alito will be quickly confirmed, and we’ll have four Makers of Manners on the Supreme Court. Only one more to go.

(1). The Battle of Agincourt was fought on October 15 (St. Crispin's Day), 1415. Before the battle, Shakespeare has Henry deliver the immortal line, "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers..." The French suffered 5,000 noblemen killed including 3 dukes, 5 counts, 90 barons, and another 1,000 taken prisoner. The English losses were 13 knights and 100 foot soldiers. 

Source - http://www.tothepointnews.com/content/view/1992/44/

19 abr 2012

Pruebas de Certificación EOI

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Visto el gran impacto causado por la Prueba de Certificación de Nivel Avanzado en EEOOII en la Com. Aut. de Asturias, se me ocurrió pensar que antes de caer en el pánico, sería conveniente poder hacer una medida más aproximada de la sencillez o dificultad de dicha prueba, y para ello lo único que se me ocurre es ampliar la gama de ejemplos, dado que como bien decía una antigua profesora de química, medir es comparar.

Así pues, he hecho un pequeño barrido en la red en busca de los mismos documentos en otras comunidades, en otras escuelas de idiomas, y antes de emitir ningún juicio, os dejo los enlaces y archivos para que vosotros mismos valoreis.

Además, para ver ejemplos de Ejercicios Orales de los diferentes Niveles, visitar... 

- Pruebas orales - que ilustran los niveles del Marco Común Europeo, en todos los idiomas
- Escuchar el Marco - (de la EOI Málaga) Ejemplos de ejercicios orales por nivel, con criterios para la asignación de niveles.
- Canal YouTube de Inglés - aquí podréis ver hablar inglés a estudiantes de la EOI Getafe, pero las grabaciones no son exámenes sino ejercicios orales realizados durante el curso o una vez sus protagonistas han sacado el título.

Espero que os sirva de ayuda para afrontar con más criterio y preparación las pruebas de junio próximo, pero sobre todo con más confianza y menos miedo.